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Design studio default VIRTUAL DATAPORT SERVER

Hi Denodo Team, When I load design studio, by default the VIRTUAL DATAPORT SERVER field is populated with //localhost:9999/ value. How can I override this value with my preferred value or list of values as drop down? This is to make the DIY team's lif...


VCS Management is disabled

Hi team, we are trying to configure git in denodo 8,but VCS Management is disabled in the Administration tab.Please suggest us how to enable it. Thank you


About Access to view vql of derived views

Some one of my team wants to exexcute one derived views that I created, and he also wants to have the read access of that derived views's vql. I grant "metedata", "execute" access of this derived view to him, I think it is the read access we mentione...


Failing to connect

Failing to connect (via the browser on port 9090 and 9999 respectively, web design studio or virtual data port ) to the denodo VM. its a sentos7 denodo pre backed instance I have installed denodo on it and have started denodo and from the admin tool I ...


Denodo and POST to API

If I have a view in Denodo that is being frequently updated with new rows, is it possible to have Denodo POST the contents of the newest rows when they are added to the view to a 3rd party endpoint that is listening for the new data?



Hi, I am trying to convert a timestamp field which is in the format (2021-08-25 12:53:29.13) to milli seconds by using the function gettimeinmillis(timestamp). Why is it not working? When I try it using dual for example : SELECT gettimeinmillis(now())...


Issue post installing Denodo Express

Hi Team, I am not able to create any folder/VDB after successfully installing Denodo Express in one of the WIndows Machine with the default login/password: admin/admin. I took help of the IT team while installing it in the machine as advised during i...


End of life for denodo platform 7, 6

what is the end of life / end of support for the older version of denodo platform.. (e.g.- denodo platform 7, 6, older)


Denodo vdp jdbcdriver

We have a requirement to do a security scan on denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver to make sure there are no security vulnerabilities. Do we have the source code for these drivers? Or is there any alternate available?


Column Descriptions for VDB_CACHE_QUERYPATTERN

Could you please share a small decsription about the columns in the cache control table VDB_CACHE_QUERYPATTERN in order to understand more about the columns and the values (meaning of each values) it can store?

Related to: Cache database size estimate