Denodo community Q&A RSS feed Latest Denodo community answered questions Exploring Denodo AI Assistant capabilities 2024-12-13T01:48:35Z 2024-12-13T01:48:35Z Hi, We would like to explore the Denodo AI Assistant capabilities. We tried using the docker image of "Building AI Chatbot with Denodo" which has v9.1 instance. But the Server configuration doesn't have the option to configure the AI Assistant. Please advise Thanks, Sandeep.N 2024-12-13T01:48:35Z Global Security Policy not working as expected. 2024-12-12T20:25:12Z 2024-12-12T20:25:12Z This is the defintion of my Global Security Policy *The global security policy 'restrictedcolumnshide' applies to '**roles not in list'**: "**denodohrclassifiedaccess**", for 'columns tagged with any': "restreintesrestricted, testtag", with restriction 'mask columns tagged with any of these tags' : "restreintesrestricted, testtag" When testing this policy, it does not seem to matter which role I have, the Policy is not being enforced. I can see the 'hidden' columns everytime. I only have 1 View with 4 tagged columns that satisfy this policy, yet it does not seem to work. Is there any reason, this is not working? Anytthing I might be missing? 2024-12-12T20:25:12Z Changing User Types 2024-12-12T18:35:15Z 2024-12-12T18:35:15Z In Denodo v9.1, can a user type be changed from 'Normal' to 'Admin' or vice versa, without having to delete the user and starting over? We had a user who had been created as an 'Admin' type user but needed to be changed back to a 'Normal' type user. We could not do it without creating another user account for them. Seems kind of cumbersome. 2024-12-12T18:35:15Z Using restrictions 2024-12-12T15:38:29Z 2024-12-12T15:38:29Z We are trying to "restrict" by region via AD group. Thus EU users see EU data, IN users see IN data, US users see US data etc. The challenge is that some users will need to see 2 regions - and are thus in 2 AD groups. However, when we grant access to 2 of the above restrictions, they end up seeing no records. VQL looks something like the below... GRANT EXECUTE WHEN() THEN '"Region_Desc" = ''EU''' ON "Realestate".fnd_all_events GRANT EXECUTE WHEN() THEN '"Region_Desc" = ''IN''' ON "Realestate".fnd_all_events Expected this to show both EU & IN matching records. It's fine for either restriction on its own, just not when both are in place. Can you please advise what needs to change here - huge thanks. 2024-12-12T15:38:29Z MongoDB Base View Creation Array issue 2024-12-09T10:36:33Z 2024-12-09T10:36:33Z Hi Team, I have connected MongoDB to Denodo through the Custom Wrapper. I am trying to load the following document into Denodo. However, I only need specific fields from it: { "_id": { "$oid": "637cc839beb08100082158e2" }, "type": "Carrier", "name": "BOSTON CARRIER CORP", "mcNumberCheck": { "date": { "$date": "2023-08-15T15:38:05.740Z" } }, "addresses": [ { "address1": "83 FARWELL ST APT E", "city": "Newtonville", "state": "Massachusetts", "stateAbbr": "MA" } ] } When I specify the following fields in the field box, the view works without issues: _id:Varchar, type:varchar, name:varchar, However, when I include fields from the addresses array, as shown below, the view fails to run: _id:Varchar, type:varchar, name:varchar,, addresses.address1:varchar,, addresses.state:varchar, addresses.stateAbbr:varchar Denodo can process sub-documents but does not natively handle fields within arrays. 2024-12-09T10:36:33Z Order a nested field 2024-12-06T00:10:20Z 2024-12-06T00:10:20Z Hi! I'd like to know if it's possible to order a field within a nested column. For example, I have the following JSON structure: ``` { "name": "test", "elements": [ { "code": "01", "description": "code 01" }, { "code": "05", "description": "code 05" },{ "code": "03", "description": "code 03" },{ "code": "02", "description": "code 02" },{ "code": "04", "description": "code 04" } ] } ``` I have noticed that even after ordering the previous views, the order of the nested fields appears to be almost random. I believe this is because the nest function is processed by Denodo. Is it possible to achieve the desired ordering? Thank you. br 2024-12-06T00:10:20Z SAP Descriptions missing in base views 2024-12-05T23:09:06Z 2024-12-05T23:09:06Z Hi Experts I'm importing data from SAP via RFC, during the import all description are missing for tables that been imported. Is there a way to get all field descriptions without manually editing them? Thank you. 2024-12-05T23:09:06Z DENODO SOLUTION MANAGER license error: SourceTypes are limited to 0 but 1 are found 2024-12-05T17:12:34Z 2024-12-05T17:12:34Z Hi, I create a datasource in DENODO SOLUTION MANAGER design-studio from VQL Shell and now i canĀ“t access to design-studio. I receive the error: "license error: SourceTypes (arn, custom, df, gs, itp, jdbc, json, odbc, ws, xml, excel, saperp, sapbw, olap, essbase, sapbwbapi, salesforce) are limited to 0 but 1 are found" Any ideia how i solve this problem? Thanks Best regards 2024-12-05T17:12:34Z "where conditions" in join views 2024-11-29T10:44:31Z 2024-11-29T10:44:31Z Version : 8 install update 2023/14/09 Hello, I added a "where condition" via the web interface in a join view: periodicite in 'QUOT','HEBDOS','FERIER'. Extract of SQL sentence in denodo is : WHERE t17.periodicite IN (?, ?, ?) With the parameters: [QUOT, HEBDOS, FERIE]. When I look at the execution plan on the source (SQLSERVER), I see an implicit conversion on the periodicite column: CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nvarchar(30), [Vente].[dbo].[TITRE].[periodicite] as [t17].[periodicite], 0) = [@P198] OR CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nvarchar(30), [Vente].[dbo].[TITRE].[periodicite] as [t17].[periodicite], 0) = [@P197] OR CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nvarchar(30), [Vente].[dbo].[TITRE].[periodicite] as [t17].[periodicite], 0) = [@P196] The column in the table is of type VARCHAR(30). The base view in denodo also contain VARCHAR(30) type. Why are the values specified in the WHERE condition typed as NVARCHAR(30)? Is it necessary to always perform a CAST when specifying an alphanumeric value in this field? Regards, Emmanuel ********************************************************** I find the solution in another case : The solution was to change the Data Source property "Allow literal as parameter" from Yes to No. 2024-11-29T10:44:31Z Descriptions not being propagated to nest fields 2024-11-28T19:29:21Z 2024-11-28T19:29:21Z Hello, I have a view with a nested column, but the fields inside it don't have descriptions, even though the source fields do. How can I ensure that the nested fields inherit the descriptions from the source? br 2024-11-28T19:29:21Z