It is possible to pass the Bearer token value present in one base view dynamically to retrieve the required endpoint data by following the below steps:
* You already have the base view with the "token" field which holds the Bearer Token value. Consider this as BV1
* Now, create a base view over the data source with interpolation variable defined.
* While creating base view, this will ask you for the value of the Bearer token while creating the base view and you need to provide the pre-generated access token once for the schema to be built.
* For now specify the bearer token value from the BV1 (Copy & Paste) and the new base view will be created. Consider this new base view as BV2.
* Now, [create a joined view](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/administration/creating_derived_views/creating_join_views/creating_join_views) with BV1 and BV2.
* Add a join between the ''token'' field of BV1 and mandatory input field "token" of BV2. Save the derived view.
After this, everytime this join view is executed, first the token is obtained from BV1 and then passed dynamically to the desired API endpoint of BV2.
For more information on interpolation, take a look at the [ Paths and Other Values with Interpolation Variables](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/administration/creating_data_sources_and_base_views/path_types_in_virtual_dataport/path_types_in_virtual_dataport#paths-and-other-values-with-interpolation-variables) section of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide.
Hope this helps!