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Override - Denodo Platform installs under a single folder (DENODO_HOME) and writes data in the same folder hierarchy

> The Denodo Platform installs under a single folder (DENODO_HOME) and writes data in the same folder hierarchy so to avoid issues with permissions Is there a means to override this behavor? Modifying DENODO\_HOME is causing issues for semi-managed installs. Would perfer to have a *DENODO\_DATA* that lives outside of *DENODO\_HOME*.

1 Answer

Hi, In general, the Denodo Platform installation writes the data under the **<DENODO_HOME>** folder which we specify during the installation. If I want to change the installation path in an unattended installation (semi-managed installation), I would modify the **INSTALL_PATH** property in the generated **response file** which indicates the path of the Denodo Platform installation where the metadata will be stored. You can take a look at the **[Unattended Installation of the Denodo Platform](** section of the Denodo Platform Installation Guide for more information. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
31-03-2021 08:34:41 -0400
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