I tried to recreate a similar scenario by creating a connection in Dbeaver with Denodo. For instance, if I have a view named ‘sample’ with limit set as 10 in Denodo, as in the the below query:
SELECT * FROM sample LIMIT 10 CONTEXT ('i18n'='us_pst')
I got the results within a **few milliseconds(ms)** on executing this view. However, if I execute the same query in Dbeaver with Denodo as source, then I get the results with a few milliseconds delay, as the query fetches the results from source.
If the difference in execution time is so large, the possible reasons may be due to network latency, conditions such as region of instances, resources or might be due to more traffic in source.
I would check the [Execution Trace](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/administration/creating_derived_views/querying_views/execution_trace_of_a_statement) of the query to analyze the reason for the delay.
Hope this helps!