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2 problems with Denodo Express 6!!!

1) I have Installed the Denodo Express 6! It works wel but the query performance is slower than Denodo 5.5. I thought the new version is much faster but is slower!!! 2) I have closed de DVP and I can not open that again. I take the next error bij the Login screen.;)Lcom/denodo/vdb/vdbinterface/common/QueryExecutor,
31-03-2016 05:45:42 -0400

3 Answers

Hi! In my experience queries run faster on 6.0 thanks to the new query optimization techniques which have been added to Denodo 6.0 May it be something specific to your environment? It's strange that you cannot log in to the VDP, do you mean log in to the VDP server from the VDP admin tool when you say you cannot open VDP again? You can take a look at the logs as they contain information that may help you to pin point the problem. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
31-03-2016 07:14:48 -0400
Hi, Thanks. I solved the problems and indeed the Denodo 6 is faster. Thanks a gain for your fast response. Regards, Majid
 Edited on: 28-07-2017 05:35:22 -0400
Can you post the steps that you followed to solve the issues you were finding? It could be helpful for other users of Denodo to have them here in case they find the same bumps as you did. Thanks!
Denodo Team
01-04-2016 12:05:37 -0400
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