I was successfully able to use partial cache with the ‘match exact query only’ selected to retrieve my data from cache for same query when executed repeatedly.
I would validate the below scenarios to ensure the data is retrieved from cache:
1) You can use the [Denodo Monitor](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/6.0/vdp/administration/monitoring_the_virtual_dataport_server/denodo_monitor/denodo_monitor) to check in the query logs whether the SSRS is generating a query identical to the one used for caching, thus satisfying the prerequisites of “match exact query only” partial cache.
2) Another cause for this behaviour could be a result of the ‘Explicit Loads’ option being selected. In case of explicit load, it is expected for the data that is to be retrieved to be cached already through “Pre-loads”. If cache data is absent from the storage location, then it will retrieve data directly from the data source.
You can refer to the section [Partial_Mode](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/vdp/administration/cache_module/cache_modes/partial_mode) in the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide to get more details and the community question [Cache modes](https://community.denodo.com/answers/question/details?questionId=9060g000000fzEuAAI&Cache+modes) for more information on partial cache.
Hope this helps!