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Start the Denodo job with dependencies using Shell script

Hi, Can you please assist me to invoke the Denodo Job with dependecies option using shell schipt. I can see only below options and don't see start-with-dependecies option sh -start load_dv_added_current_frozen_vw -h sjgdvappdevn01 -p 8000 to view this help information: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -help - enables/disables the given job: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -enable jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - starts the given job: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -start jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - stops the given job: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -stop jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - finds job names: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -findNames jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - finds the given job: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -findJob jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - creates new job: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -addjob jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> description type - removes the given job: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -removejob jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - updates job description: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -udesc jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> description - updates job scheduling configuration: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -usched jobName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - creates and configures a new filter sequence: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -addsequence sequenceName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> - creates and configures a new data source: test_schedulerclient.{bat|sh} -adddatasource dataSourceName -h <SchedulerHost> -p <SchedulerPort> dataSourceType Thanks, Senthil.
04-01-2018 17:31:32 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, The [Scheduler Client API]( exposes the ablity to start a job with dependencies via the aptly named *startJobsWithDependencies* feature. The test_schedulerclient shell script is a command line interface to launch the *SchedulerJobsConfigurationSample* implementation of the API, and though it has command line switches for most features, it doesn't include the dependencies option. The source code for this sample implementation is included in the *DENODO_HOME/samples/scheduler/scheduler-api/src/com/denodo/scheduler/demo/* directory. You can use that as a model to implement your own toolkit to call the startJobsWithDependencies feature of the API. I would suggest taking a look at the startJob() method of this class and duplicating it to leverage *schedulerManager.startJobWithDependencies* instead of *schedulerManager.startJob* and adusting your implementation from there. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
04-01-2018 19:26:47 -0500
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