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Enforcing source alignment within base views

Hi there, Is there a method where any changes made on a source table can be automatically 'enforced' on a base view table? The purpose being the ability to always keep base views in line with the LAG version of its source table? Likewise, should the source table have been removed/dropped, the base view would then also be dropped. In essence, is there a way to do a bulk, automated "Source Refresh" across all base views? Kind regards, Vincent J
22-03-2023 06:08:47 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, I’ve found a similar question about automated Source refreshed. [Manage change from Data Source]( I’d recommend to check it out. According to the answer, you should use the GET_SOURCE_CHANGES procedure that returns information about differences between Denodo views and the associated table in the underlying data source and use the GET_VIEWS procedure in conjunction with that procedure to execute the procedure on all of my base views. For more information about these stored procedures, you can reference the [GET_SOURCE_CHANGES]( and [GET_VIEWS]( sections of the Virtual DataPort VQL Guide. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
23-03-2023 09:06:39 -0400
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