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Connecting to denodo from .net core 3.0

I am using .net core 3.0 with entity framework core . Is there an article somewhere detailing how to connect to denodo vdp using ef core and .net core. I tried connecting like a postgres database using Npgsql and it does not work.
02-12-2019 18:03:22 -0500

7 Answers

I am also interested in the answer to this question. I'm hoping something will be availble soon.
 Edited on: 03-12-2019 09:17:12 -0500
Hi, You will be glad to know that you can find your answer [here]( I hope this helps.
Denodo Team
03-12-2019 22:53:03 -0500
The link mentioned in the solution indicates that version 3.x of NPGSQL should work. Is there any information on how the connection string should be constructed for this as the paramaters seems to have changed from 2.2.7 to 3.1 (e.g. the Krbsrvname no longer appears to be valid and has possibly been replaced with KerberosServiceName). I've tried several variations of the connection string, and while I can connect, the queries either timeout or I get the error "Unknown message code: 0".
16-11-2020 19:55:39 -0500
Hi, It looks like your question pertains to authenticating to Denodo using Kerberos and version 3.x of NPGSQL. I have noticed that there are a few conditions to be met for that purpose and one of them is * The application has to use the version 2.2.7 version of the Npgsql provider. You can find this information for Denodo version 7.0 in the [Using Kerberos Authentication]( section of the Virtual Dataport Developer Guide. The requirement is the same for Denodo version 8.0, please refer to this [link]( If you have access to Denodo Support, please open a case to investigate this further. I hope this helps.
Denodo Team
07-12-2020 18:13:30 -0500
Hi Denodo Team, this information would be also very interesting for me. I'd like to use .NET Core 6.0 in combination with FluentNHibernate 3.1.0 and I saw the current version of Npgsql is 6.0.2 so will this be adapted to the current version in future? Unfortunately the menioned **Npgsql provider (2.2.7)** is quite old and only available for *.NET Framework* (it is **not** working with **.NET Core**). I couldn't find a way in your posted solutions how to solve this for .NET Core...
28-12-2021 10:38:22 -0500
Hi, Currently, the Virtual DataPort supports Entity Framework with NPGSQL 3.2.7. The support for NPGSQL 6.x or later versions with .NET Core will be available in the future updates of the Denodo Platform. Hence, at the moment, you could try using the NPGSQL 3.2.7 version in the client application. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
30-01-2022 23:32:13 -0500
Hi Denodo team, Is there any updates regarding support of newer versions of Npgsql? Thanks!
29-01-2024 07:19:15 -0500
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