In general, Virtual DataPort is compatible with the .Net Data Provider for PostgreSQL version 2.0. The recommended versions are 2.0.12, 2.2.0, 2.2.3 and 2.2.7. Also the version 3.x of NPGSQL is supported partially.
Here, I understand that you are facing the issue after disabling the TLS versions 1.0/1 at your environments. Hence, could you please elaborate the issue you are facing, so that we can analyze this situation further (i.e. what is the error message you are getting, where you have disabled the 1.0/1 TLS version?).
Also, as a test could you please try connecting the Virtual DataPort server via Web Design Studio, Data Catalog, Virtual DataPort Admin Tool and let us know if you are able to connect without any issues. This helps us isolate the issue further.
Finally, if your Denodo Platform is SSL enabled, please check that you have added the ["SSL=True;Sslmode=Require"](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/developer/access_through_an_ado.net_data_provider/access_through_an_ado.net_data_provider#:~:text=If%20SSL/TLS,the%20ConnectionString.) parameter in the connection string. If you have disabled the SSL, then kindly remove the above mentioned parameter in the connection String and try the connection once again.
Further, if you have a valid support access, then you could also raise a new support case where we could assist you more regarding this issue.
Hope this helps!