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Issue with rolling back transaction from exception in VQL Stored procedure

I am creating a VQL stored procedure, but it is not rolling back when I catch an exception. I am following the example provided here: Here is the specific example I am following: CREATE OR REPLACE VQL PROCEDURE testTransactionsExceptionsHandling(paramName IN INTEGER) AS ( // Procedure variables varName VARCHAR; ) BEGIN // Procedure body BEGIN_TRANSACTION; // If insert fails (for whatever reason), EXCEPTION part will be executed INSERT INTO testnvarchar_1 (id,charfield) VALUES (3, 'Test'); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; END; For my test I set the database up to fail on insert to test the rollback. In this example the one of the fields is too small, forcing an insert failure. Here is some simplified code that throws the exception: CREATE OR REPLACE VQL PROCEDURE sp_simple_rollback_exeption FOLDER = '/stored procedures'(varout out varchar) --output parameter isn't used. AS ( lvar varchar; -- exc1 exception; ) BEGIN BEGIN_TRANSACTION; delete from bv_targetexc; Execute 'insert into bv_targetexc select * from bv_source4'; commit; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN -- when exc1 then return row (varout) values ('Error on insert'); ROLLBACK; END; Exception: SP_SIMPLE_ROLLBACK_EXEPTION [STORED PROCEDURE] [ERROR] Received exception with message 'Cannot rollback if transaction is not started.' Received exception with message 'java.lang.NullPointerException' I also set up a second version to catch the exception differently. This creates and exception variable instead of using "others". VQL SP Code CREATE OR REPLACE VQL PROCEDURE sp_simple_rollback_exeption FOLDER = '/stored procedures'(varout out varchar) --output parameter isn't used. AS ( lvar varchar; exc1 exception; ) BEGIN BEGIN_TRANSACTION; delete from bv_targetexc; Execute 'insert into bv_targetexc select * from bv_source4'; commit; EXCEPTION -- WHEN others THEN when exc1 then return row (varout) values ('Error on insert'); ROLLBACK; END; Exception: SP_SIMPLE_ROLLBACK_EXEPTION [STORED PROCEDURE] [ERROR] Received exception with message 'Error executing data movement from view _p_17d113c7-c86f-4faa-968e-1f646ee9e86d_2943d3b8-6968-4db9-947e-3b1cef9291b8 to source ds_pg_target Exception of plan _p_17d113c7-c86f-4faa-968e-1f646ee9e86d_2943d3b8-6968-4db9-947e-3b1cef9291b8: com.denodo.vdb.util.tablemanagement.TableManagerException: There was an error during a batch insertion: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO "public".targetexc(customer_name, customer_address, phone_number, customer_code, job_title) VALUES ('Laura Gutierrez', '7751 Larry Junction', '356-(361)254-1886', 'qHzxXA0S', 'Web Designer IV') was aborted: ERROR: value too long for type character(10) Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.' Note: The transaction will eventually roll back in both versions after it times out. This creates the following message in the logs [JotmBatch] ERROR 2024-04-23T13:49:38.562 com.denodo.vdb.engine.session.DBSession [] - executing rollback due inactivity timeout on session #395, transaction bb14:38:0:018c8f4f655f4db6ab...0a109e: I am looking to get the VQL Stored procedured to rollback immediately upon catching the exception and to return a graceful message to the caller.
23-04-2024 15:52:28 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, To avoid getting this kind of error and rolling back successfully, you should be sure that you are using a data source that accepts the transaction such as (JDBC) and make sure that you have the admin privilege to do the transactions. After checking these make sure that you're not entering a long value in the execution to avoid getting an error. If you still need assistance, you can raise a support case for further assistance from the Support Team. Hope this help!
Denodo Team
30-04-2024 14:30:07 -0400
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