If you are receiving this error when connecting to a Denodo server (e.g Virtual DataPort or Scheduler), you should make sure the SSL/TLS configuration and properties are correct.
Using the Virtual Dataport as an example, I would go to the host where the Denodo servers will be run and check if the SSL/TLS certificate has been imported, then go to the path ***<DENODO_HOME>/conf/vdp/VDBConfiguration.properties*** and open the configuration file to make sure the following properties were configured correctly:
com.denodo.security.ssl. keyStorePassword.encrypted*
If Virtual DataPort is configured properly, Virtual DataPort will start. However, if Virtual DataPort is up but I cannot connect to it still, I would check the client configuration and check if the client’s truststore contains the certificates from the Virtual DataPort.
If this is a southbound error, I would recommend checking if the certificate(s) of the CA(s) that signed the data source’s certificate is imported to the truststore by listing the contents of ***<DENODO_HOME>/jre/lib/security/cacerts***:
<DENODO_HOME>/jre/bin/keytool -list -v -cacerts
You can refer to [Obtaining and installing an SSL/TLS Certificate](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/en/platform/installation/postinstallation_tasks/enable_ssl_connections_in_the_denodo_platform_servers/obtaining_and_installing_an_ssl_certificate#obtaining-and-installing-an-ssl-tls-certificate) and [Enabling SSL/TLS in Denodo Platform Servers](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/en/platform/installation/postinstallation_tasks/enable_ssl_connections_in_the_denodo_platform_servers/enabling_ssl_in_denodo_platform_servers) in the **Denodo Platform Installation Guide** for more information.
Hope this helps!