¡Hello dear Gurus!
I'm facing an odd issue for which I found no way to solve it.
* Source Server DataBase is SQLServer 2016.
* SQL Server has Collation `SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS`
* Conflicting datatypes: datetime2, smalldatetyme
![SQL Server](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49994760828_5784714c19.jpg)
Here's datatypes in conflict:
![Data Types](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49995534062_8b10d48e8a_n.jpg)
Denodo VDP version is 7.0, has 20200310 update installed.
Also VDP was installed with Internationalization configuration of: `mx`
Here's the base view:
And the result:
In base view I've tried every i18n option with no different result. Please provide your help or assitance.