I'm connecting to denodo from AWS Glue (with Spark 2.4.3). When I issue a query to denodo from Glue, it fires multiple queries to denodo.
Denodo Query: **select * from (select sum(col1) as col1, col2, col3 from interface view where filters group by col2, col3);**
What is actually fired to Denodo:
**Query 1: select * from (select sum(col1) as col1, col2, col3 from interface view where filters group by col2, col3);
Query 2: select sum(col1) from (select sum(col1) as col1, col2, col3 from interface view where filters group by col2, col3);
Query 3: select col2 from (select sum(col1) as col1, col2, col3 from interface view where filters group by col2, col3);
Query 4: select col3 from (select sum(col1) as col1, col2, col3 from interface view where filters group by col2, col3);**
Basically there are four queries. The actual query + three more queries which is equal to number of columns in the select clause.
I use below driver configuration to connect to Denodo from Glue.
df = spark \
.read \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("url",ddl_endpoint) \
.option("driver","com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver") \
.option("query",sql) \
.option("user", source_dbparams['user']) \
.option("password",source_dbparams['password']) \
Anything I need to know about this behaviour?
Edit: The denodo query is completely delegated.