1.Yes, VDP allows storing of cache data in Teradata 12,13,14 and 15. You must download the driver from the vendor’s website, because it is not included with Virtual DataPort. Copy the jar file(s) of the driver to <Denodo_Home>/extensions/thirdparty/lib directory and restart the VDP server. Once you do this, it will function like other RDBMS. You can read about this in the Cache Module Section of the Administration Guide.
2. I never tested it but you can configure the denodo-monitor to store the output in a JDBC database. Although the configuration for a Teradata database is not included in the properties file, you can try manually setting the parameters within ConfigurationParameters.properties by mimicking the configuration for the other databases. The sql script for Teradata is not included by default, so you will need to manually write a script in order to create the tables with the appropriate structure in the desired Teradata database. Also, you will need to copy the JDBC driver of the database to the <DENODO_MONITOR>/lib folder. You can find these instructions listed inside the .properties file under “Settings to store the output of the Virtual DataPort cache monitor in a database”.
Try out the configuration and let the community know if it works for you!
Hope this helps!