i have query VQL like this:
select nmtkp, FORMATDATE('yyyyMM',cast(tglapprove as timestamp)) as blnlApprove, COUNT(distinct(sku)) as JlhBarang,SUM(price) as HargaTotal
from dbmart.facttrans a
where GETYEAR(cast(tgltrans as date))=2020 and jnsklaimreg='1'
group by nmtkp, FORMATDATE('yyyyMM',cast(tglapprove as timestamp))
query is running but so long and finish with timeout error
i check query that denodo running in impala, show like this:
SELECT `t0`.`nmtkp`, `t0`.`sku`, `t0`.`price`, `t0`.`tglapprove` FROM `dbmart`.`facttrans` `t0` WHERE ((YEAR(CAST( `t0`.`tgltrans` AS timestamp )) = 2020) AND (`t0`.`jnsklaimreg` = '1'))
when i run direct with impala HUE like this:
select nmtkp, FROM_TIMESTAMP(tglapprove,'yyyyMM') as blnlBeban, COUNT(distinct(sku)) as JlhBarang, SUM(price) as HargaTotal
from dbmart.facttrans
where YEAR(cast(tgltrans as timestamp))=2020 and jnsklaimreg='1'
group by nmtkp, FROM_TIMESTAMP(tglapprove,'yyyyMM')
result loaded fast and success.
why did it happen? am i wrong running query with VQL VDP Client?