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Denodo connection with Impala.

Currently Denodo supports Impala 2.3 version. We are at Impala 2.6.0, can we still use older Impala JDBC connection for newer version of Impala? Can we connect Denodo with Impala using generic JDBC connection?
02-03-2017 10:52:27 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, I would try to connect Impala 2.6.0 from Virtual Dataport by the following steps: * Download the respective JDBC connector for Impala 2.6 from vendor's site. * Choose Generic in the Database Adapter list and click on the “Choose automatically” Check box. If you select this check box VDP will try to discover the most appropriate adapter to connect to the database. * Enter the path to the jar files of the JDBC driver in Driver class path * Specify its respective Driver class, Database URI to connect to the database. You can also refer to the section “Importing JDBC Sources” and “Supported JDBC Data Sources” in Virtual Dataport Administration guide . Hope this helps.
Denodo Team
06-03-2017 04:47:08 -0500
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