In order to be able to retrieve the data from Scheduler via VDP, the best option is creating a stored procedure. You can find more information about VDP and stored procedures in the Virtual DataPort Developer Guide, section "DEVELOPING STORED PROCEDURES".
Besides, you will need to use the Scheduler API to get the information from the Scheduler Server. You will need to execute the method "getJobsInformation" provided by the class "SchedulerManager" to the job ID and the project ID from a job name. Once you have the project ID and the job ID, call to the method "getJobReports" to get the list of executions where you can find the information described in your post.
You can find more information about the Scheduler API in the Scheduler Adminitration Guide, section "CLIENT API".
Additionally, you can also find examples using the Scheduler API and VDP stored procedures in your Denodo installation in the samples folder.
Hope this helps!