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Single-key association vs Multiple-key association

I have one dimension table (PRINCIPAL) having 2 primary keys talking with fact sales (DEPENDENT). I have question in my mind whether we need single association or two association joining each dimenstion key with fact table. If I create one association joining both keys then what will be impact on performance in following scenarios. 1) User uses only single key in where clause OR in JOINING with other view 2) user uses both key columns in where clause OR in JOINING with other view Curious question. I can test it but lacking time doing so. Please answer. Thanks always!
10-08-2016 19:10:18 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, In that scenario, I think that the performance would be more related with the conditions established in the WHERE or JOIN sections than with the association definition. This is true because those conditions will define the result set size of the query. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
11-08-2016 05:41:01 -0400
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