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Connecting Spotfire with Denodo

I am sure we can connect Spotfire but thought to confirm with your expert team and guidance on it on how to connect it. Please help.
19-07-2016 12:59:36 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, I think you can find useful the following question with a detailed answer regarding the Spotfire configuration to connect to VDP: To correctly configure Spotfire it is **very important** to set the property ***autocommit=true*** in the connection configuration. Spotfire by default creates transactions (surrounding with BEGIN/COMMIT) for all the queries, even for select statements. Virtual DataPort uses a distributed transaction manager, which uses a 2-phase commit protocol. This protocol introduces overhead and queries will run unnecessarily slower. Since update denodo-v55-update-20160322 for 5.5 and denodo-v60-update-20160429 for 6.0 the vdp JDBC driver supports the optional URL parameter ( autoCommit=true ). Therefore, the URL configuration should look something like: ``` jdbc:vdb://acme:9999/denodo_database?queryTimeout=9000000&chunkTimeout=1000&userAgent=SpotFire&autoCommit=true ``` I would recommend to add this property to the template in Spotfire. Something like: ``` <connection-url-pattern>jdbc:vdb://&lt;server&gt;:&lt;port9999&gt;/&lt;data_base&gt;?userAgent=SpotFire&autoCommit=true</connection-url-pattern> ```
Denodo Team
19-07-2016 22:18:19 -0400
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