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Column 'client_id' in order clause is ambiguous

I was following along in the tutorial "Data Virtualization Basics -> Advanced Operations -> Create a join view between heterogeneous sources". After creating the "client_with_bills" view, and executing the query, I get an error that states "Column 'client_id' in order clause is ambiguous". I removed the client_id from the output (as directed). Any information on why this fails? I don't have any order by fields selected, and client_id does not even show up in that list. The individual views work fine separately (personal_data_crm and billing_information). Below is the exact error output: Error executing query. Total time 0.029 seconds. CLIENT_WITH_BILLS [PROJECTION] [ERROR] CLIENT_WITH_BILLS [JOIN] [ERROR] PERSONAL_DATA_CRM [VIRTUAL] [ERROR] Column 'client_id' in order clause is ambiguous Total rows received: 0 (shown 0)
02-10-2014 19:39:31 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, please use any of the following workarounds to solve the issue: 1.- Changing the Tutorial schema: - In the SQL script of the tutorial rename the client_id column of the address table to client_fid. - Reload the SQL script and continue with your tutorial (keep in mind the new column name in your exercises) - This change will be applied soon in the Tutorials section 2.- Remove the Collation property: - Edit your MySQL JDBC DataSource - Open the "Source Configuration" tab - Check the "Order By Collation" and the "Delegate OrderBy Collation" check boxes and delete "binary" from both of them - Click OK to save your data source That error is due to a known issue in the Denodo Express version. It happens when pushing down Order By conditions with a collation without a reference to the table. In the Denodo Express version this issue needs to be fixed using any of the proposed workarounds.
Denodo Team
03-10-2014 14:18:18 -0400
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