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Unable to commit code from Denodo to github

Hello, I am unable to commit the code to our Github repository using Denodo Tool 8.0, below is the error "Commit on repo without HEAD currently not supported"
13-10-2021 12:28:34 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, I have received this error *“Commit on repo without HEAD currently not supported”* when trying to commit and push elements from a database configured to use VCS. This can mean that the repository is not initialized. The below steps to fix the error worked for me, * Disable VCS for the specific database. * Enable VCS *(Make sure that remote database name is correctly defined)* and perform a pull operation. * In the conflict dialog select local contents to avoid losing changes. * Peform a commit and push to upload local changes. If you are a valid support user, you can also raise a Support case with necessary screenshot and logs, which will offer a quicker resolution. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
19-10-2021 07:08:12 -0400
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