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Twitter tweets limiting

I am trying to get the tweets from twitter using below query I have flattened the statuses field and created the view. For every api call it is returning just recent 100 tweets, even when i pass the count parameter to be 1000. But when I use the query with R language I am able to get all the 1000 tweets. Can you help me to figure out what exactly could be causing this?
20-10-2016 03:30:41 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, Have a look at the below article from the knowledge base which will help you to return more than 100 tweets by modifying the pagsize parameter. [Connecting Twitter and the Denodo Platform](,%20sentiment%20analysis%20and%20Denodo?category=Custom+Elements) Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
25-10-2016 04:02:09 -0400
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