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NTLM Authentication Issue using Odata2

We created a new data source using OData wrapper to access a web API and we have an authentication issue using NTLM. The Denodo server is in a PROD environment and the API in a DEV environment and every ports are Blocked between the 2 environments. Since we are accessing a web API we opened port 443 but the authentication is not working and we are not using proxy. Do we need to open another port for NTLM to work?
02-11-2022 15:19:11 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, I would perform the following checks. 1. Check if the hostname in your webapi url can be resolved successfully from prod and make sure the ping to that host name is working. 2. If the above is successful then you can check vdp.log to find any error messages related to the problem. 3. For NTLM Authentication, port number 445 is the default one. But before going ahead to open the port, I would check with the security administrator on whether this default port is being used or if they have configured the NTLM with a different port. Hope this helps.
Denodo Team
03-11-2022 23:34:21 -0400
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