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Denodo data catalog synchronization using curl command

Hi Team, We are trying to write a shell script to automate the denodo data catalog syncronization using the curl command. But when am try to execute the curl command, i am getting HTTP status code 403 and message as null in the response. What could be the reason? Can you please help? Thanks
30-03-2021 06:12:17 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, Going through the question, I believe the** HTTP 403 error** code might occur when the API key being used is invalid or has been disabled. Further, I would check the user credentials and headers added in the request. You can refer to the [Authentication with the REST API](****) of the Data Catalog section under Data Catalog Guide for more information. For your scenario, I would also take a look at the vdp-data-catalog.log file located at <DENODO_HOME>\logs\vdp-data-catalog\ directory to get more information on the issue. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
31-03-2021 08:29:43 -0400
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