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VDP Server Configuration

I am setting the configuration of my Cache database (a MySQL database) in VDP via the Administration menu --> Server Configuration --> Cache --> Connection tab Can I reproduce the information and save it as a VQL script? Meaning can I export this configuration information in a VQL file and then run the VQL on a separate server?
06-04-2017 23:20:28 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, The global cache configuration, configured as you mentioned in VDP via the Administration menu –> Server Configuration –> Cache creates a JDBC datasource in the "admin" database called "vdpcachedatasource". You can access to the admin database, open the "vdpcachedatasource" and click on the VQL button to check the VQL code. You can also get the same VQL code from a VQL Shell, running the following sentence: "desc VQL datasource JDBC vdpcachedatasource". Moreover, you can right click on the "vdpcachedatasource" (on the server explorer panel) and click on "Export" to create a VQL file with the definition code. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
07-04-2017 05:47:14 -0400
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