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Solution Manager Setting-Up an External Database

Do we have a CLI command for Setting-Up an External Database in Solution Manager like we do below for VDP ? regenerateMetadata --adapter postgresql --version 12 --classPath "postgresql-12" --databaseUri "jdbc:postgresql://psql-db:5432/vdpcatalog" --driver "org.postgresql.Driver" --user "denodo_user" --password "encrypted:passwordEncrypted" --schema "denodo_metadata" --testConnections --pingQuery "SELECT 1" --driverProperties "{\"prop1\":\"value1\", \"prop2\":\"value2\"}"
11-11-2022 02:33:38 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, I understand that you wish to know the script corresponding to the Solution Manager instance which does the same work as the "[regenerateMetadata](" script used for storing the metadata of Virtual DataPort to an external database. **Currently**, there is **no** **script** in the Solution Manager installation for this purpose, **however**, there’s **an** **enhancement** request to add support for a similar script in the solution manager to configure storing its metadata in an external database. If you have a valid Support Account, you can open a ‘Request’ type case on the Denodo Support Site to track the progress of the above-mentioned enhancement. Besides, for storing the metadata of the solution manager in an external database through Solution Manager GUI, you can follow the steps mentioned in the [Setting-Up an External Database]( of the Solution Manager Administration Guide. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
11-11-2022 07:45:50 -0500
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