I recommend verifying the Koop file structure contains the two mandatory files: **src/index.js** and **src/model.js**
For **src/index.js** please ensure keys are specified as follow:
type: 'provider',
name: 'denodo',
Model: require('./model'),
version: require('../package.json').version
Note that ArcGIS Online will discontinue HTTP support, and references to HTTP URLs will no longer function. Hence, you must enable **HTTPS** on your server to use the **ArcGIS Web Service** in ArcGIS Online.
To enable SSL in all Denodo Platform modules and the Solution Manager, including the web container (Apache Tomcat), please refer to the [Denodo SSL/TLS Configurator Script](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/platform/installation/postinstallation_tasks/enable_ssl_connections_in_the_denodo_platform_servers/denodo_tls_configurator_script) guide.
Additionally, for instructions on how to enable HTTPS in Denodo you can refer to [Enabling HTTPS in the Embedded Apache Tomcat](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/en/platform/installation/postinstallation_tasks/enable_ssl_connections_in_the_denodo_platform_servers/enabling_https_in_the_embedded_apache_tomcat).
Hope this helps!