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Is there a way to get the transformation logic used to transform the base view columns to public views exposed in Denodo?

I am looking for a procedure similar to (COLUMN_DEPENDENCIES) which will expose the transformation logic along with the nested level of dependencies. Thanks in advance. Note: This information is not available in the COLUMN_DEPENDENCIES procedure. Let me know if I am missing something on the output columns of this procedure.
30-12-2015 08:38:40 -0500

1 Answer

Hi The information of the transformation logic and the level of dependencies is listed in the COLUMN_DEPENDENCIES stored procedure. For instance, the expression column contains the logic, the depth column contains the level of dependency (1 means direct dependency). For more information about the COLUMN_DEPENDENCIES stored procedure, take a look to the section PREDEFINED STORED PROCEDURES > COLUMN_DEPENDENCIES in the VQL Advanced Guide.
Denodo Team
30-12-2015 11:51:23 -0500
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