I installed Denodo 8 express in C drive.
Than I uninstalled it.
Now, when I am reinstalling it, I am getting error in exectuion:
1. xcopy error
2. many of the xxxxx.bat files are not found at installation location
3. error when update is installed.
There were errors during the installation of the update.
You may not have the appropriate privileges to install the update, or there may be running processes referencing files of the Denodo Platform.
Make sure that all the Denodo servers, the embedded web container and the clients are stopped and install the update again.
Errors (you can find more details in 'C:\Denodo\DenodoPlatform8\logs\updates\denodo-update-1700906285304.log') :
executecommandifinstalled vdp[diagnosticmonitoringtool] "copy -nobackup ${install.dir}/resources/apache-tomcat/webapps/diagnostic-monitoring-tool/WEB-INF/classes/log4j2.xml ${install.dir}/setup/vdp/templates/conf/log4j2.diagnosticmonitoring.xml.back" : Invalid file "C:\Denodo\DenodoPlatform8/resources/apache-tomcat/webapps/diagnostic-monitoring-tool/WEB-INF/classes/log4j2.xml"
executecommandifinstalled vdp[diagnosticmonitoringtool] "copy -nobackup ${install.dir}/resources/apache-tomcat/webapps/diagnostic-monitoring-tool/WEB-INF/classes/ConfigurationParameters.properties ${install.dir}/setup/vdp/templates/conf/ConfigurationParameters.diagnosticmonitoring.properties.back" : Invalid file "C:\Denodo\DenodoPlatform8/resources/apache-tomcat/webapps/diagnostic-monitoring-tool/WEB-INF/classes/ConfigurationParameters.properties"
executeCommandIfInstalled vdp[vdpserver] "executeScript -os=windows ${install.dir}/setup/vdp/updateRemoteWebApps.bat" : There were errors while executing the command : null
Note: I have admin rights on the system. There is only C drive, no other drive present. I am not installing it in program files. There is no space in folder name.
please help.