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Credential setup for "Distributed file system data source -- (H)DFS parquet file wrapper

Hi team, I am reading document "" to setup data source and wrapper for hfds parquet file, I understand we need to input credential to our cluster, where to configure this? currently I have setup our URI (something like, and I also set up the "partquet file path" and "file name pattern", but I get the error "Failed on local exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host", is it because of the credentials not setup?

3 Answers

Hi, In order to connect to the create a data source using for HDFS parquet file I would perform the following steps : * Import the Custom wrapper. * Create a New > Data Source > Custom and select the **denodo-dfs-customwrapper **jar * Also select the class Class name: **com.denodo.connect.dfs.wrapper.DFSParquetFileWrapper** * Select the Refresh option on the Source configuration for the connection parameters * Enter the input parameters of the data source * File system URI: For instance , hdfs:// * Set up the **core-site.xml** to authenticate into the hadoop cluster. * If the HDFS source uses Kerberos for authentication, I would need to enable the same when configuring the source. Once the data source is successfully configured I would be able to create the base view. You can take a look at this [similar Q&A ]( more information. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
19-07-2021 08:45:45 -0400
Hi I tried the Kerboros way for the security, I get some information through "klist" command on our machine, and the default principle is "aabbccd@company.COM" I input the Kerberos Prinple name as : "aabbccd@company.COM" I also have the password for it, so I input the Kerberos password but it returned below error: Hadoop security error: There was an error while creating this base view: Error while executing custom wrapper method 'getSchemaParameters': Hadoop security error: Login error No such host is known (, actualy my hadoop host is another one like I tried on ohter machine, same configuration, the error si: There was an error while creating this base view: Error while executing custom wrapper method 'getSchemaParameters': Hadoop security error: Can't get Kerberos realm null waht is the problem, seems Denodo not provide the the specific error message to me, how can I fix above problem?
21-07-2021 07:58:31 -0400
Hi, If I come across an error Hadoop security error: Login error No such host is known related to Kerberos configuration, I would check the following: * I would check if the Kerberos is configured correctly with the realm. * I would check if the connecting user has all the privileges to access the source. As for the error with Error while executing custom wrapper method ‘getSchemaParameters’: Hadoop security error: Can’t get Kerberos realm null, this error could occur due to krb5 file or incorrect configuration of the Kerbrose configuration file for this new environment. I would check if I have set all properties correctly for a krb5 file and also check if the Kerbrose is configured correctly to allow connection between Denodo Platform and the Hadoop source. For more information on the error you could take a look at the vdp.log file in the <DENODO_HOME>/logs/vdp folder You can take a look at the [Kerberos configuration and troubleshooting]( for more information on how to troubleshoot a southbound connection. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
28-07-2021 07:26:27 -0400
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