Here’s a way to accomplish what you need:
1. You can manually generate “xyz_dev” and “xyz_staging” as empty virtual databases.
2. Export the VQL from “xyz” with properties and unchecking the option "Create Virtual Database". This is important as it allows the VQL to be imported into any VDB.
3. Maintain two copies of the properties files, one for “xyz_dev” and one for “xyz_staging”. Edit the “xyz_staging.properties” file and update the Database URIs as needed.
4. Then run an import twice. Use the same VQL file, but different properties files, and different target VDB: one for the “xyz_dev” and the other for “xyz_staging”.
5. Remove the old VDB “xyx”.
Note that in the future if you end up using two separate Denodo 7.0 installs (eg: on different server machines), you can use the Denodo Solution Manager for managing migrations of databases from one environment to another.
More info on exporting VDP server metadata can be found here:
[Exporting the Server Metadata](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/vdp/administration/exporting_and_importing_the_server_metadata/exporting_the_server_metadata/exporting_the_server_metadata#exporting-the-server-metadata)
Hope this helps!