As per my understanding, you want to extract the 5th highest annual income from your Denodo views using VQL query. Just like in SQL, VQL supports common analytic functions like **DENSE_RANK**, **RANK** and **ROW_NUMBER** to help calculate ranking criterias. You can write your queries just like in SQL as per below example:
SELECT store_location, ranking, sales_amount
store_location, RANK() OVER(ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC) ranking, SUM(amount) sales_amount
FROM sales
WHERE year = ‘2022’
group by store_location
WHERE ranking = 5
I recommend checking out this [documentation](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/vql/functions/analytic_functions/analytic_functions) for more details about the different analytic functions available in VQL.
Hope this helps!