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Aracne Crawler - Login Failure After Install

All, I'm having trouble logging into the AracneCrawler server using the default passwords. However, I can successfully log intoto the Aracne Admin page. Any help would be appreciated.
07-02-2018 12:28:32 -0500

2 Answers

looks like i didn't fire up the services in the right order. It's working now.
07-02-2018 12:35:43 -0500
Hi, Glad you figured it out so quickly! A good rule of thumb is to always start your Virtual DataPort Server first, and any Web Administration tools last, with the tools that you're looking to work with started in between. This ensures that the VDP server is running when the dependent applications start up and that the appropriate application is started before the Web Admin tool tries to connect to it. If you run in to any other questions, just let us know!
Denodo Team
07-02-2018 12:55:26 -0500
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