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Denodo 6 packs

Hi ! Let's say I install just the Virtual Data Port (all its 3 components) and the Scheduler but NOT the ITPilot and ARACNE. If in the future the need arises for these, can I install (append) ITPilot and ARACNE at a later date ? Are there any resources consumed installing from the very beginning ITPilot and ARACNE ? Thank You. Kind Regards erol aivas
06-04-2017 10:22:06 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, I have been able to install ITPilot and Aracne successfully after installing Virtual DataPort and Scheduler. Only disk resources are consumed if you install ITPilot and Aracne, as you could have the different modules installed not using them. I would recommend you to install all the modules at the beginning of Denodo Platform installation, if you think you would use those modules in the future. Hope this helps.
Denodo Team
10-04-2017 08:08:28 -0400
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