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Plans for "insert into select"?

Just curious if you have plans to evaluate and implement the "insert into select" syntax that is standard on all RDBMS platforms these days? Often the insert into values() syntax is not enough since you need to select from another table. The above syntax saves a round-trip by combining the actions into one call evaluated by the database. As it stands, Denodo isn't terribly write-friendly. It doesn't easily return back identities and you can't use the insert into select syntax.
23-02-2015 14:35:17 -0500

5 Answers

Hi! at this moment, INSERT INTO SELECT statements are supported only for populating materialized views or temporary tables (see sections "Materialized Tables" and "Temporary Tables" of the Advanced VQL Guide). It is part of our current roadmap to support these statements also on conventional views but I cannot give you more specific information about when it is going to be available. Another different option is to use the Scheduler. You can execute a job to extract the information from the original view and then insert this information back into a Denodo view using a jdbcexporter.
Denodo Team
24-02-2015 06:27:45 -0500
Thanks but I'm more thinking about clients connecting into Denodo and issuing SQL-like commands. From a read perspective, Denodo makes perfect sense because it can join any data source together. It's difficult to convince developers to use Denodo for the entire solution since it doesn't support passing back identities on write (without a stored procedure or multiple steps) and it doesn't support insert into select. The write options are much more limited than read - we've been having some issues getting people to use it for their solution due to this.
24-02-2015 11:45:07 -0500
Hi! yes, in general I agree with you but including that support is not as easy as it seems because in these scenarios Denodo has to deal with several considerations (for example, different behavior of underlying data sources in IDU operations). I hope the new features such as the support of INSERT INTO SELECT clause in views change their mind, so stay tuned!
Denodo Team
25-02-2015 08:11:07 -0500
I appreciate the answer - I definitely understand it is not trivial to implement, but you already have to respect different behavior of the underlying data sources when doing IDU operations. This would simply give the option of running a query before the insert to gather the data needed. I would expect the code to check for behaviors at the data source level would be the same whether you were inserting values or the results of a query. Either way I look forward to hopefully seeing this someday in the future! :)
25-02-2015 09:03:08 -0500
This feature is supported by Denodo since Denodo Platform 7.0.
Denodo Team
06-01-2021 15:06:08 -0500
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