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Cognos Analytics 11.0.3 Supports Denodo

How to create a denodo data server connection on lastest cognos 11.0.3 release having SSL enabled?
02-08-2016 14:50:07 -0400

2 Answers

Hi, As fas as I know, in the near future a new update of the Denodo 6.0 version will be released allowing the connection from Cognos 11.0 to Denodo. I think a new document will be published as well including information about how to do this connection when the update is released. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
26-08-2016 10:42:13 -0400
Hi, I can see that the new update is released of the Denodo Platform 6.0 (denodo-v60-update-20160905) which allows the connection from Cognos 11.0 to Denodo. And it looks like this is the document you can follow to do that: It also talks about how to enable SSL protocol between IBM Cognos and Denodo VDP Server. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
07-09-2016 10:58:23 -0400
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