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Simulating an Update statement in Denodo

How do we simulate below statement in a derived view in Denodo update fw_denodo_table a set a.column1 = b.column2 from denodo_table2 b where a.column2 = b.column3 and a.column5 = b.column6 and a.year=2019; Please advise
16-08-2020 10:08:35 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, You may refer to the [UPDATE Statement]( section of the Virtual DataPort VQL Guide to understand the syntax on executing an UPDATE statement. However, note that there are conditions that needs to be met before a view can be updated. For example, a derived view is not updateable if its underlying view is not updateable. You may find these conditions under the [Inserts, Updates and Deletes Over Views]( section of the Virtual DataPort VQL Guide too. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
18-08-2020 03:14:45 -0400
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