I would suggest you to connect to SAP using Multidimensional Database Sources.Virtual DataPort provides two types of adapters to retrieve data from SAP Business Warehouse and SAP Business Intelligence:
1. Using XMLA adapters, you could connect to SAP through its XMLA interface.
1. Using BAPI adapters, which use the SAP JCo connector. We recommend using these adapters to access SAP BW and SAP BI because their CPU usage and memory footprint are lower than with the XMLA adapters.
You can find all the information related to this data source in “Multidimensional Database Sources” of “[Virtual DataPort Administration Guide](https://community.denodo.com/docs/view/document/Denodo%20Express/Denodo%206.0/Virtual%20DataPort%20Administration%20Guide)”. In addition to that you could refer the Knowledge base article “[Denodo and SAP Best Practices](https://community.denodo.com/kb/view/document/Denodo%20and%20SAP%20Best%20Practices?category=Data+Sources)” to know about using SAP in Denodo Platform.
Hope this helps!