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ds_web_orders and as per the On Demand training

Starting Developer training. Trying to set up connection: ds_web_orders and as per the On Demand training I enter all information jdbc:oracle:thin:@data-server:1521:xe and I get the error message: Unable to establish connection: IOError: The network adapter could not establish connection. I see I am not the first to have this problem which was not answered. I am running v7.0 Express and also have v6.0 loaded. Is the issue related to @data-server and/or pointing to a folder? Thanks, Mitchell
28-11-2018 16:30:13 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, As you may know, a database URI such as “jdbc:oracle:thin:@data-server:1521:xe” is a reference for defining a connection to an **Oracle** database called **xe** which located in the **data-server** host and listening in the port **1521**. You are right, the training courses use a server named "data-server" but it was created to record the videos and for educational purposes. To create this data source in your local installation, you have to use the server name or IP address of your own Oracle server or *localhost* (or **) if you have a local installation of Oracle. Hope this helps!!
Denodo Team
29-11-2018 09:00:57 -0500
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