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Cluster architecture configuration

Hi, I want to migrate from my current setup (1 single VM where denodo is installed) to another environment where there will be cluster of VMs where denodo needs to be installed with help of load balancer. Could you please guide for process to go through use case like this ?What setups from denodo is required for availability in all cluster VMs. Thanks!
23-08-2022 15:13:21 -0400

1 Answer

Hello, I understand you want to create a cluster of denodo instances and access them via a load balancer. I have found this Denodo document on [Denodo Platform Cluster Architecture]( that might be useful here. For the setup, you can refer to the Denodo documentation on [Hardware Requirements](,of%20the%20Denodo%20Platform.) where you can find more information. Note that you should be careful with the memory commitment you will be choosing, as you do not want to exceed the limit of the physical memory. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
25-08-2022 16:10:47 -0400
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