If you want to connect, transform and then consume the web service, you could follow the steps below:
* Create a base view from the data source using HTTP Method ‘GET’ and publish it as a web service.
* Go to “Edit>Settings” section, select [**XSLT Transformation**](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/vdp/administration/publication_of_web_services/xslt_transformations/xslt_transformations) option in order to transform the request before sending it to consuming applications.
* Create another base view from the data source which uses HTTP Method ‘POST’.
* Here, select **Post Body** and set the [**interpolation variables**](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/vdp/administration/creating_data_sources_and_base_views/path_types_in_virtual_dataport/http_path) for the values such that it matches with the input web service.
* Join both the base views to create a final derived view. This derived view will in turn get the values and pass it to your web service dynamically.
You can take a look at the [**Transforming Incoming/Outgoing Soap/Rest Messages with XSLT Stylesheets**](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/vdp/administration/appendix/transforming_incoming_outgoing_soap_rest_messages_with_xslt_stylesheets/transforming_incoming_outgoing_soap_rest_messages_with_xslt_stylesheets#transforming-incoming-outgoing-soap-rest-messages-with-xslt-stylesheets) section of Virtual DataPort Administration Guide for more information.
Hope this helps!