The HTTP proxy settings located in the Server Configuration are the default proxy settings that will be used by data sources that use the default proxy configuration. To use this proxy settings, navigate to your data source, and in the [Configuration](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/administration/creating_data_sources_and_base_views/soap_web_service_sources/soap_web_service_sources#soap-web-service-sources) tab ensure that Proxy is set to “Default”
Also, data source timeout error in Virtual DataPort server can generally occur due to various reasons, which may include scenarios where data source server is offline and the Virtual DataPort server cannot establish connection, or where the data source server takes too long to send a response and the Virtual DataPort server drops the connection. I would suggest checking the logs generated by the Virtual DataPort server in detail to get more details on the issue. You can find the logs located in `<DENODO_HOME>\logs\vdp\vdp.log`.
Hope this helps!