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Simba connection error in : uncategorized Column Type

Hi, I am trying to fetch the data from a table on Azure Databricks (ADLS). Tables are delta tables. I am using Simba driver on Denodo and the connection is successful as suggested in denodo documentation. After successful connection. I try to do "Creating Base View" . It shows me the database and then tables correctly. But when I select a table. it takes time to show its columns. Later gives error : Introspection Error Unable to connect database Details: "**com.denodo.util.exceptions.InternalErrorException: Unrecognized column type: **". Not sure what does that mean ? I try by creating a very simple table on same database with 2 columns of string type. But even for that table it gives me same error. there is no more details about this error. Could you please help?
13-10-2021 18:47:56 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, Going through the error, I believe the jar file is unable to detect on the data type and resulting with the error message "Unrecognized column type". For this scenario, I would check whether I can able to establish the connection with the data source by performing "Test connection". It is important to use the same connection settings, i.e. the same driver, the same connection URI, the same driver properties etc. Also, I could create Base view from create from query option. You can follow the steps on [Creating Base Views from SQL Queries]( document to create the base view from this option. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
15-10-2021 06:38:06 -0400
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