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How to access Delta Table on Azure BlobStore from Denodo

Hi, I stored my delta tables on Azure Blob Storage. Now I want to access these tables from Denodo. Alternatively, I tried Simba connector to connect Azure DataBricks tables, and that works fine. But that does not show the Blob Store Tables. Ideally Simba connects to Spark so its obvious. Is there another type of connector I should try?
18-05-2021 17:40:00 -0400

2 Answers

I found a documentation on Denodo Site "DFSParquetFileWrapper" at this [link]( while I setup the connector but when I try to connect/test connection it gives me error I know thi serror is coming from core-site.xml where I have put the 'Azure Storage Account" > Access Signature. My signature string has special characters like.. `sp=rw&st=2021-05-19T06:07:10Z&se=2021-05-27T03:07:10Z&sv=2020-02-1 .....more` > There was an error while creating this base view: Error while executing custom wrapper method 'getSchemaParameters': [com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxLazyException] Unexpected character '=' (code 61); expected a semi-colon after the reference for entity 'st' > at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [115,25] Please suggest how to resolve it. I tried adding double and single quotes aroung the access key but still same error.
19-05-2021 14:59:30 -0400
Hi, I was able to reproduce the same error when I used the **Access Signature** from Azure Storage account > Security + networking > Shared access signature instead of **Access Key** into the core-site.xml file. I was able to successfully [connect to Azure Blob Storage]( when I copied the Access Key by navigating to Storage Account > Security + networking > Access keys. You can copy the key from the storage account and then paste it into the core-site.xml file as explained in this example [here]( You can follow the document [How to connect to Azure Blob Storage from Denodo]( or[ How to connect to Azure Blob Storage from Denodo Platform]( video tutorial for detailed steps on this. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
 Edited on: 21-05-2021 10:30:08 -0400
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