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VDP Client Upgrade on Windows 10 Laptop

Recently upgraded VDP server to 7.0.20200310. Denodo Admin Tool ( on my Windows 10 laptop ) is at 7.0.20190903. It now shows a warning message about mismatch between VDP server and Admin tool. What is the best way to upgrade client on my PC to bring it on par ? I could not find client update process in the QandA or in KB. Avinash
13-04-2020 16:12:26 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, 1. You will first need to download and unzip the update file [denodo-v70-update-20200310]( from the Suppport Site. 2. Launch the Denodo Platform Control Center by running the command <DENODO HOME>bin\denodo_platform.bat 3. Choose “Update”, then “Install Update” to navigate to the Jar update file. 4. Click “Open” and a progress bar will update. 5. Launch the Denodo Administrator Tool and connect to your VDP Server. 6. Go to the Help, About menu to verify the versions match. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
14-04-2020 12:58:32 -0400
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