We are trying to use MySQL for Denodo Cache
when we are configuring MySQL connection details in Denodo we are getting following error
"Unable to establish connection Unknow error 1044"
We are using AD/LDAP id create in MySQL database to connect from Denodo
When I am using id created with in MySQL database connection is working, but when we are using AD id created in MySQL it is giving error.
Note: Connect to database from command line using LDAP/AD id is working fine.
When we tested connection we did set environment variable "export LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN=1" on Linux server and then executef
mysql -u userid -p -P port
Other way of setting the same parameter from command line is using "--enable-cleartext-plugin" command line option.
mysql -u userid -p -P port --enable-cleartext-plugin
My question is how to set database connection property LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN=1 in Denodo while configuring MySQL databsae connection using LDAP/AD id
How can we pass command line option "--enable-cleartext-plugin" while setting up MySQL database in Denodo