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How to connect oracle database from denodo vdp

How to connect oracle database from denodo vdp, i am using oracle 12c, while connection i am getting unknown sid error.
11-10-2015 07:44:09 -0400

3 Answers

Hello, Please make sure you are using the correct SID in the Database URL. The following is the URL format you should use when configuring the JDBC data source: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host name>:<port>:<SID> (Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@acme:1521:ORCL) You can find more information about this topic in the "Importing JDBC Sources" section of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide, and the "Parameters of the JDBC Connection URL" section of the Virtual DataPort Developer Guide. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
12-10-2015 15:01:55 -0400
In some cases you need to use a slash instead of a colon to separate the last component jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host name>:<port>/<mydbservicename> Check if that works!
 Edited on: 09-06-2020 11:13:22 -0400
Yes, Tried for ServiceName RAC oracle and works fine.
23-09-2019 04:29:33 -0400
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