Thank you very much for your detailed answer!
1) I read this article serval of times. After your suggestion, i tried connect to the server, but now passing the "queryTimeout" parameter as driver_arg. it looks like that:
conn = jaydebeapi.connect("con.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver", <connection url>, driver_args={"queryTimeout": "10"}, jars=<driver path>)
And when i check the queryTimeout, it gives me the correct value:
> 10
But still the same problem, and the server ignore this parameter.
2) the CONTEXT clause works for me, but i can't use it because im creating some kind of wrapping function for the user to make queries, and if they will have their own CONTEXT clause it will not work.
3) ODBC was the first thing i tried, but it seemed Denodo ODBC driver don't support the QueryTimeout attribute (when using Pyodbc, i get explicit Exception that this attribute not supported). So i left this approach, and moved to JDBC.
Its all come ups to one conclusion: This problem reside on the server side.
How should i debug this?
the first thing i would like to check is if this feature has been disabled.